Upcoming events
The Society meets at 2 PM on the first Wednesday of the month (except for July and August) in the upper level of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 122, 2008 Trunk 1, Clementsport, NS. The normal meeting format includes a business meeting, followed by refreshments and a speaker / presenter covering a topic of local historical interest.
2 April 2025:
Monthly Meeting
Local author Brian McConnell will present about "The 1781 American Raid on Annapolis Royal", including discussion of the 84th Regiment (Royal Highland Emigrants) and the local militia that defended Annapolis Royal and Annapolis County.
Recent events
5 March 2025:
Monthly Meeting
Dorothy Outhouse of the Islands Historical Society will speak about Catherine Hubbard, born in 1730 in Germany, and her two daughters Margaret and Christine, who both married Loyalist soldiers and lived in the area.
5 February 2025:
Monthly Meeting
Local author and publisher Brenda Thompson spoke on the topic of her recent book, Enslavers of the Maritimes.
8 January 2025:
Monthly Meeting
Valerie Young Mount presented postcards of Deep Brook that were collected by her brother, Duane Young.
4 December 2024:
Monthly Meeting
June Trimper briefly presented about the tradition of the Christmas tree in the Clementsport village square, and Society members brought Christmas artifacts to show and discuss.
Past events
6 November 2024: AGM and regular monthly business meeting. At the Annual General Meeting, the Society confirmed or elected the executive for the coming year. This was followed by a presentation by Ken Maher about the Sinclair Inn in Annapolis Royal.
2 October 2024: regular monthly business meeting.
July, August, and September: no meetings, but many members attended the annual commemorative service in Old St. Edward's Anglican Church, Clementsport, on 18 August.
5 June: field trip to the Middleton Railway Museum. No business meeting.
1 May: Fred Huntley of the Middleton Railway Museum presented on the history of the Dominion Atlantic Railway and the Nova Scotia Central Railway. The presentation was preceded by the normal business meeting (treasurer's and archivist's reports).
3 April: Blain Henshaw spoke about his new book, Legacy of a Weymouth Woman: A Pioneering Spirit and a Love of Tall Ships. The presentation was preceded by the business meeting (treasurer's and archivist's reports).
6 March: No external speaker this month. The business meeting was held (treasurer's and archivist's reports).
7 February: No external speaker this month. The business meeting was held (treasurer's and archivist's reports).
3 January: No external speaker this month. The business meeting was held (treasurer's and archivist's reports).