

Digital Archives

Clements Historical Society possesses many digitized objects - mostly photographs and historical documents. Almost since the beginning of the Society in 2000, Society members (particularly long-time members Nora and Judith Peach) have worked to solicit and digitally capture these objects from members of the Society and the community at large, to centralize and preserve them, and the people and stories they represent, for future generations.

Starting in 2025, the Society joined the Council of Nova Scotia Archives and uses their MemoryNS platform as an online accession description database of Society archives. To view accession descriptions in MemoryNS, click on the link below, then search MemoryNS for "Clements Historical Society" or a search term that may return results related to the Society (e.g., "Clementsvale"). 

The Society also has an Excel database of accession records to permit offline searching. The most current version is available from the link below.

The online accession description database for archives and historical societies throughout Nova Scotia.

An Excel database of accessioned items in the archives of the Clements Historical Society.

Physical Archives

Clements Historical Society has served for decades as a repository for documents, photos, books, and small artifacts of local historical interest. Accessioning and cataloguing archived objects is done by volunteer Society members, and is a work in progress. Ultimately, the Society would like to fully digitized the archives and make them publicly available and fully searchable.

To inquire about the archives, please email us at